
Welcome to the online home for Zeta Olipele and her Amazing Friends! Here you can find information about all of my FFXIV original characters!
Keep in mind that this website has SPOILERS up to the most recent patch of FFXIV. If you aren't caught up, maybe don't read this page.
Also keep in mind that this website is a work in progress!

All characters found in these pages are subject to the copyright of their creators. All FFXIV characters are property of Square/Enix. Please do not sue me.

Zeta Olipele

NAME: Zeta Olipele/jan Seta
Race: Au Ra Raen
Mains: Warrior, Reaper, Dancer, Botanist
Age: 26
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Full Time Gator, baby!
Sexuality: Aroace


Hair color: Blue-gray
Eye color: Right eye red, left eye (currently) black
Soul Color: Sunset Gradient
Height: 5'3"
Defining features: Covered in either "scales" (solidified light corruption) or Light-scars (from where the scales eventually fell off), Left eye is a crystal that glows when limit-breaking (I don't know how to mod this in so its just a vanilla black eye for right now).


Alignment: Neutral Good
Likes: Going around, being with the friends she has made
Dislikes: Chocolate, being late
Positive: Mellow, always willing to help, Natural leader, reformed showboat
Negative: Ignores problems until it's too late, stubborn, distractable, secretly paranoid
Introvert or extrovert: Depends
Hot or cold weather: HOT.
Greatest fear: Not being there for others


Languages: Toki Pona (or equivalent; all other languages get auto-translated in and out by the echo)
Home: None. Zeta is a perpetual couch surfer, because what are you gonna do, throw the Warrior of Light out of your house?
Other abilities: Healing factor, fast run speed, good enough at singing.
Can't/won't do: Traditional magic, going back to Ishgard, drinking alcohol
Won't leave home without: Kiete (pet red panda, also has the echo), food for Kijete, snacks (most likely a caramel muffin, her favorite), her weapons, little pebbles to hold.
Relationships: G'raha Tia (partner), The Twins (best friends), Wuk Lamat (has the relationship with her that Zenos thought he had with Zeta),Kiete (little buddy),Nataille (retainer), Ritz (reaper avatar), Cassiopea (ancient counterpart)


Zeta is from a small, otherwise isolated village in Corvos, known for its own isolated language. When the imperial rule was tightened after the calamity, she looked for a means of escape, eventually finding one in the form of a favor from a famous Eorzean adventurer. Once she got to Limsa the customs office changed her name to Zeta. She took up adventuring as a marauder to make some money, but got her eye cut out by a group of pirates on an early venture, and began to wear an eyepatch to cover it (she then quit being a marauder bc she wanted to be faster at fighting back, but would pick it up again in time for Endwalker). Once she got the echo, However, the eye suddenly grew back as a blue crystal, and she became more powerful, as the echo gave her a healing factor in addition to its usual powers. For a while, she took this to mean that the eye itself was giving her divine power, but the power boost actually comes from a stupid and somehow mundane source that I cannot state here bc it relies on a major plot spoiler. Nonetheless, Zeta took to the fame of being the hero of Eorzea very quickly and prided herself on being there exactly when a hero was needed. Over time she was broken out of this mentality and isn't as much of a spotlight hog anymore, but she does have feelings that she is better than you. Also, as she relies less on the blessing of light for her power, her crystal eye has faded to black, though it does still glow when she does limit breaks.

Kiete the Fuzzy


NAME: Kiete
Race: Lesser Panda
Mains: None. He is a minion.
Age: 10
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: lil guy


Fur color: Orange
Eye color: Silver
Soul Color: Turquoise
Length: 23 inches
Defining features: Very Cute


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Likes: Zeta, sweet fruits and plants
Dislikes: When other people are angry around him, baths, G'raha (sometimes), Wuk Lamat (quite often)
Positive: Empathetic, wants to protect Zeta, logical thinking
Negative: Cynical, easily provoked, will scratch you
Introvert or extrovert: INTROVERT
Hot or cold weather: Warm, if possible
Greatest fear: Loneliness


Languages: none
Home: Zeta's shoulder
Other abilities: Dynamis vision, mild echo.
Can't/won't do: Fighting
Won't leave home without: Zeta.
Relationships: Zeta (bestest friend), G'raha Tia and Wuk Lamat (totally not jealousy), Cepheus (ancient counterpart)


Once an ordinary red panda sleeping in a tree in Ilsabard until he was suddenly captured by a Garlean patrol to be placed in a zoo. Kiete's echo was awakened by the sight of Dalamud's fall, visible across the world. In his subsequent first contact with Hydaelyn, he was asked to find someone named "Zeta" and protect her until a certain time. Not really knowing who that was, Kiete was content to ignore this promise, getting moved around a lot, eventually being moved to the Menagerie in Ala Mhigo at the behest of Zenos (who has a rumored fondness for such cute things that no one has ever been able to prove :P) Eventually Hydaelyn contacted him again, telling him that she was too weak to protect Zeta directly and he must escape to find her. Kiete ran outta there in the middle of the night, eventually making his way to The Peaks before being noticed by a Garlean patrol. Just as he was about to be recaptured, Zeta suddenly appeared to save him. Recognizing her as the one he was looking for, Kiete let himself be adopted by Zeta as her pet, and they have been traveling together ever since.

Nataille Volans


NAME: Nataille Volans
Race: Elezen
Mains: Viper, Gambler (custom variant of ninja).
Age: 30
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: (Lost his gender in a roulette game)
Sexuality: Bi


Hair Color: Gray
Eye color: Blue
Soul Color: gray-gold
Defining features: Heavy Jewelry, Green face paint


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Likes: Doing whatever he wants, the Gold Saucer, trashy music
Dislikes: Having to work on ventures, dungeons, people who think they know everything.
Positive: tba
Negative: tba
Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert
Hot or cold weather: cold
Greatest fear: Losing everyone he loves


Languages: Common
Home: Currently, Ul'dah
Other abilities: none.
Can't/won't do: very little without prodding
Won't leave home without: His Triple Triad deck.
Relationships: Zeta (employer), the Ironworks Crew (friends of a friend) Carina (adoptive older sister)



Carina bas Volans


NAME: Carina Volans
Race: Garlean
Mains: Machinist.
Age: 24
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: The keyboard riff from "Genius of Love".


Hair Color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Soul Color: Powder Blue
Defining features: Nice Hat, Leg Brace (visible when she wears shorts)


Alignment: Neutral Good
Likes: Machinery, meeting new people, being busy
Dislikes: tba.
Positive: tba
Negative: tba
Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert
Hot or cold weather: cold
Greatest fear: Being Forgotten


Languages: Common
Home: Currently, Ul'dah
Other abilities: none.
Can't/won't do: very little without prodding
Won't leave home without: Her Toolbox.
Relationships: Nataille (Adopted younger brother), the Ironworks Crew (employers) Zeta (wants to be cool like her)



In another time...

A wandering leader goes on another adventure, while an ordinary researcher watches on in admiration.



NAME: Cassiopeia/Casio/jan Kasijo
Race: Ancient
Mains: Warrior.
Age: You don't ask someone that!
Pronouns: She/They
Gender: Any Port in a Storm
Sexuality: Aromantic Pan


Hair Color: blue-black
Eye color: Red
Soul Color: Sunset gradient
Defining features: Gradient Hair, scar on her right eye.


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Likes: Making people smile, secret codes, sour flavors
Dislikes: Being ignored, staying still, heights.
Positive: Strong sense of justice, easily makes friends, quick to forgive
Negative: A bit spacy, keeps to herself, consummate liar
Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert
Hot or cold weather: cold
Greatest fear: stagnancy


Languages: Ancient
Home: rejects the very concept
Other abilities: Healing Factor, can find anything without trying
Can't/won't do: Wait on the sidelines, admit they're wrong
Won't leave home without: Her axe.
Relationships: Hythlodaeus and Emet-Selch (boyfriends), Cepheus (apprentice), Venat (mentor), Themis (like brother and sister), Zeta (eventual descendant)


The newest holder of the title of Azem, Cassiopeia is an outwardly friendly person with an odd sense of humor. She lives for happiness above all else, and has friends everywhere, with a special language that only she and her closest companions can speak. The closest friends they have, they make little toy versions of and give out as tokens of their appreciation. Secretly, however, she worries for the world's safety, and makes up excuses to play the hero, even if no one can understand them. She made little creations that would later be known as Moogles to keep watch for her in case of danger, and isn't afraid to personally get involved. Still, her friends come first, so she uses her own healing magic to keep up appearances and puts on a happy face. One day, she will find out about the coming Final Days, and how her own people will sit back and allow themselves to be destroyed without finding any real solutions. She will argue for a better way and be shot down at every turn, even by the ones she loves. She will run away in pain, searching desparately for a path forward, yet in enough denial that she will request a protection big enough for exactly three -her and her lovers, by now dead to her- when her mentor takes the most extreme solution to the problem of Zodiark. But today is not that day.



NAME: Cepheus
Race: Ancient
Mains: Botanist
Age: Old enough to work
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: "Oh damn, was I supposed to bring one of those?"
Sexuality: Ace


Hair Color: red
Eye color: silver
Soul Color: Turquoise
Defining features: Thick glasses below his mask


Alignment: True Neutral
Likes: daydreaming, baby plants and animals, Azem
Dislikes: Getting in trouble, cold breezes.
Positive: tba
Negative: Spineless.
Introvert or extrovert: Introvert
Hot or cold weather: warm
Greatest fear: Dissapointing people


Languages: Ancient
Home: Amaurot
Other abilities: none.
Can't/won't do: stay calm under pressure
Won't leave home without: a waterskin.
Relationships: Azem (admires her), Halmarut (word of), Emet-Selch (intimidated by)

